Forum name: Shadowsavengers64
Deck: Gem-Knights
Creativity/Originality/Competitiveness: 18/20
Rulings: 13/20 (no problems, apart from the fact I bluffed with roach the whole second game (supposedly the testee wasn't trying to think very hard, so that may be the reson why)) (and that the testee tried to reborn grnet when armadillo and warlords was on field and I had to say about it)
Play-style and How Effectively it is Utilized:17/20
Control of Duel: 15/20
Misplays and Corrections: 20/20
Preparedness: 20/20
Siding Skills: 15/20 (sided in rivalry of warlords, but this clashed at one point when testee tried to reborn garnet when armadillo was on field)
Reasoning: 18/20
Attitude: 20/20
Result of Duel: 10/20 (10 points for winning 1/3, 0 for winning no games, and 20 for winning the match 2/3.)
Total: 166/200
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