Creativity/Originality/Competitiveness: 18/20
Rulings: 20/20
Play-style and How Effectively it is Utilized:16/20
Control of Duel: 20/20
Misplays and Corrections: 20/20
Preparedness: 20/20
Siding Skills: 20/20 (sided in rivalry of warlords, but this clashed at one point when testee tried to reborn garnet when armadillo was on field)
Reasoning: 20/20
Attitude: 20/20
Result of Duel: 20/20 (10 points for winning 1/3, 0 for winning no games, and 20 for winning the match 2/3.)
Total: 194/200
Welcome to demise white.
Hope you enjoy your stay at the academy.