Deck; Monarch Frogs
DN Name; besttrainerinhistory
Creative/Originality/Competitiveness; 8/20 (Seen the build before)
Rulings; 20/20 (Perfect rulings)
Play-Style and How effectively It Is Utilized; 19/20 (Great moves with the monarch monsters)
Control of Duel; 20/20 (Controlled everything)
Misplays and Corrections; 20/20 (No misplays and didn't need to be corrected)
Preparedness: 18/20 (Destroyed X-Sabers)
Siding Skills: 14/20 (Might have sided in veiler)
Reasoning: 20/20 (No problems)
Attitude: 20/20 (Nice attitude)
Result of Duel: 20/20 (10 points for winning 1/3, 0 for winning no games, and 20 for winning the match 2/3.)
Total: 179/200
Welcome to Aderus Blue, Enjoy your stay and grow stronger. Also please visit the Blue Dorm Poll so you can cast your vote on who should be the next Blue Dorm Leader. Good luck
Brown: 0-129
Blue: 130-179
White: 180-200